Armed Men Killed Several Ethnic Amharas in Benishangul Gumuz

Armed men attacked several civilians in Dibate Woreda of the Metekel Zone in the Benishangul Gumuz regional state on December 5, 2020, as reported by Addis Standard. Authorities did not provide specific details about the atrocity, but according to officials from the Amhara region, the ethnic Amharas were targeted while they were harvesting their crops. The report confirmed that Addis Standard received “several graphic images of the victims, including women and children.”

Amharas residing in Benishangul have been subjected to frequent attacks. The report highlights that the Amhara region had issued a strong statement prior to the December 5th attack, urging the Benishangul Gumuz region to ensure the security of civilians. However, the Benishangul region perceived these statements as undermining its authority within the federal system. Nevertheless, the vice president of Benishangul acknowledged that the region has not been successful in preventing the recurring violence. For the full report, you can read it here.


Addis Standard Dec 17