Addis Maleda reported that Shene conducted attacks, killing at least 2 people in Dera Woreda, located in the North Shoa Zone of Oromia region. According to residents, the attack began on June 26, 2022, targeting kebeles, including Babu Dire, Amuma Ginde, Irob Gebya, and Ginde Berebre.
The report stressed that the total number of deaths was yet to be confirmed, as the violence was still ongoing at the time of the reporting. However, residents stated that about 33 Shene fighters and two members of local militias were killed during the exchanges of fire.
In addition, residents reported that 260 passengers traveling from Ginde Meskel Dera to Addis Ababa were taken hostage by the group. The majority of them were released after paying a ransom of 1500 birr each. However, the whereabouts of eight passengers are still unknown.
According to residents, this is the fourth time Shene has launched such attacks in the North Shoa Zone. The latest attack appeared to be a retaliation for the killing of Shene commander, Jal Geleta Nigusse, by local militias. The situation started to calm down following the news of the Federal Army deployment towards Dera. Furthermore, the residents believe that the attackers were weakened as some of their members were swept away by the flooding of Jema river.